Spanish Enrichment
Ages 3 years - 6 years
We intersperse our daily program with a focus on also teaching Spanish. This is designed to encourage children to understand the Spanish equivalent to certain things within their environment. While exploring their classroom our teachers surround the children with sounds of this language. We acknowledge that it is an additional language in this ever-changing society and want the children to have an acceptance of cultural differences. In addition, we offer a Spanish Immersion Program where you may sign your child up to receive a more intensive exposure to learning this language.
Please see the "Our Programs" button on the heading to further research this offer.
STREAM Program
Ages 3 years - 6 years
Our STREAM sessions provide our children with the opportunity to combine problem-solving and fun with science-based activities. During these experiential classes the children learn simple concepts related to the environment, physics, technology, and engineering.
Group work encourages team building.
Music/Movement/Yoga Program
Ages 3 years - 6 years
Provided as a weekly event our movement
classes give the children a chance to combine stretching with rhythm.
They learn how to utilize yoga as
a means to manage external stresses
by focusing on the internal signals
within their bodies.